May 3, 2010

The life is a cycle. And as quite a few times before, after having a very social weekend, my kid is sick again.

It all started on Friday when he went to his usual class. Then on Saturday we went to May Day celebration at a local school. Which was very nice. My kid really liked the strawberry cake and the wooden boat on the backyard of the school. We were hanging out there most of the time. I was just enjoying the beautiful weather on the bench in the shadow of the tree looking at the children. And my son was in the middle of it trying to interact. Boys are always boys and things ended with pushing and shoving. In situations like this I am always wondering what to do, of course my first instinct is go and sort things out, and make sure that my wonderful boy is fine, but I also understand that boys are tougher and they have different relationships than girls so it is always a torture to decide to butt in or not to butt in. But although my son got a bit upset he didn't want to go home. Which is often the case with him recently.

I made some progress with our garden. My pansies were barely surviving in the bathroom so I've decided, that I am going to give them a chance by putting them into the ground. Lets see if they like it better. Also I started to prepare the garden patch for the tomatoes. As I was working in the garden, one of our new neighbors stopped by and invited us to come to the bonfire later. All three of us went there later in the evening. As my son was behaving very good, and even entertaining the crowd with some elaborate dancing we finally got a chance to talk with our neighbors and got to know them a little bit better.

On Sunday we planned an adventure for our son. And it was a big success maybe too big. We went to the circus. In addition, to get there, we decided to take a train since parking is a painful process in the downtown where the circus was located. It was a blast. When we came back and started moving toward the car, our son cried his eyes out that he doesn't want to go home, and was trying to convince us to go back. We promised that we will do something very fun next weekend too. But now he is sick and barely moving. He had made me read to him for three hours since we don't have TV upstairs.

When children are sick it is so hard to look at them. They look so weak and miserable and you would do anything to make them feel better. My son is a very good boy, he already figured out that Tylenol makes him better and he doesn't fight it although he still is not pleased. I hope he will be much better tomorrow and we won't have to go to the doctor.

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