July 8, 2010

This afternoon I was sitting at work and contemplating if i should or shouldn't go with the co-workers for an outing. I was tired and I had things to do so it was so much easier to stay, but finally I decided that it might be very nice experience and as those things go I was right.

We went to our beautiful main library for a tea. Everything was set up very nicely. The large light room decorated with flower arrangements and a quite interesting chandelier. The view of the beautiful garden. The tables had nice linens, and cute cups and plates. I ordered Bangkok tea, green tea with coconut flavor and couple other flavors, it was delicious. Served with the tea there were sandwiches, fruit tartlets and scones, all little and very cute.

What was very pleasing we weren't talking about work at all, and I was glad my boss wasn't there, because she tends to bring up the work when we go to lunches with people. The conversations were light and relaxing. We talked about pets, books, singers, movies, Twilight, and of course how my water broke at work, which somehow always comes up although it was two and a half years ago.

Another thing that I noticed how comfortable I was, I knew at least something about everything people were talking about, except of course the pets part, since I am not really interested in that. I guess listening to the radio a lot pays off.

The whole thing seemed very civilized and mature, and I was really glad I came. I am a big fan of the tea and especially when it happens in a such aesthetically pleasing space.
I am an adaptable person, I always knew that but I have never been more aware of it than during recent months. Or to be certain starting January 15th, when the last grandparent flew back home, and we were left dealing with lack of time and lack of discipline on our part, and a nanny who we trust but is available very limited hours. So on the plate: tons of housework and cooking, a son who I love and want to spend time with and a full time job. All of that equals to absolutely no time for myself which anybody need and I definitely need too but the truth to be told there is just not enough hours in a day. All and all it makes me tired, cranky and whiny. And I really don't like to be that person. So I am trying to do what I can to fix it by trying to fit more interesting and fun activities into the time I have.

Usually by the time I have my free hour at night I am pretty tired, so I am looking at something not too complicated or needed large amounts of force. I look for fun little projects, like blogging, reading more books, drawing or painting. Next on the list is to try needle-pointing (when I was in my teens I really enjoyed it) and meditation. At other times I work in the the garden and exercise, I may not always have time to get to the gym, but at least I try to go for a walk or a run, and it makes me already happier by just being on my list. Doesn't seem much but as a time passes by I discovered that it is working. Probably I should ask my hubby if he notices any difference. Because as I am evaluating myself I feel that I am acting much lighter in some situations that would set me up on a war path only a couple months ago.

As I try to find anything that I can do to enjoy life more in given circumstances, to stop and sit on a bench to enjoy the weather, not to be worried that I will miss my bus and will get home later than expected. Sometime just breathe before rushing into something. I think people can change even if they are taking baby steps. The person should step out of their comfort zone a little bit. I have never thought I would enjoy gardening, but I do, even if chipmunks will eat all of my tomatoes. I can't say that I am a different person but my attitude is definitely much better.