November 28, 2010

The Story of Human imperfection.

That people are flawed is probably a very basic idea. And we can be as smart as we want but flaws will always be with us, as long as we stay human. The story follows...

Six months ago we moved into our new house and we needed a few new things. One of them was a drying rack for plates, which my husband picked up at Costco during his shopping trip. We set it up, looks great. Sometimes we would notice some water dripping from one end which was open but since we didn't use it too often we would just wipe the floor and forget about it.

A few months later I have decided to move a few things around and placed the rack on the other side of the sink. Soon after my mom came and as she prefers to wash dishes by hands more and more water was dripping. But still nobody cared. Than the dishwasher broke down. After calling a master to fix it we figured that water from the rack was dripping right into the electric parts of the machine and water broke the dishwasher. Result - three weeks of washing plates by hand, no picnic. :)

We moved the rack to the old place and continued wiping the floor and the counter top. I had started to hate the thing. A few days ago I decided that or I need to figure out the solution to this constant annoyance or to throw it out. I stopped, looked at it, and it took me about 30 seconds or even less to understand that from the begging we just should have placed it so the water would drip into the kitchen sink aka horizontally instead of vertically. duh!

At this moment I realized that none of the 4 people who were using the rack, and 2 people using it while staying with us, never gave it the second thought and just continued wiping instead of thinking. How many times we say to ourselves, "why didn't I think about it before?" This is why... It requires to stop and concentrate. How much closer we would be to being perfect if we were actually concentrating on what we are doing instead of going through the motions.

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