March 27, 2010

So it is almost the end of Saturday. I don't think I had one original thought today, just haven't being alone for one second since 8 o'clock. So I am just going to recap my day.

Today was my turn to get up with our son. He is always so nice and cute in the morning like a little kitten. We brushed our teeth and went downstairs for a milk and breakfast. Our plan for today was go to the Aquarium and we both really looked forward to it. By the time we finished our breakfast, my hubby got up and soon we all were ready to go. It was very sunny outside and it created an illusion of warmth but it was actually very chilly. We even weren't late to meet up with our friend and his son to go to the Aquarium with us. I picked up the free tickets awhile ago and we had a spare one.

So fun began. Both boys were very exited to see the fishes and I actually decided that as we will settle down a bit we should get a fish at home. Probably the blue one, because it is my sons favorite color right now. There was a huge crowed, and unfortunately my son got overwhelmed in about an hour. We stopped and had a snack as I discovered that my hubby got overwhelmed too. :) So we said bye, bye to the fish, the sharks and penguins and headed to we cafe it was time for lunch. Food wasn't too bad, and the view was excellent. Huge windows showed the harbor and the boats. Actually this spot is one of my favorites in our city, and it reminded me that I haven't had a chance to visit it for at least 3 years. But lunch was soon finished and we said goodbye to our friend, paid ridiculous amount of money for the parking and went home, it was a time for my son's nap. Which actually turned out to be everybodies nap. :)

Since we got up earlier, my honey and I had a chance to discuss some furniture choices, which I have to say probably the only thing we recently discuss except our toddler. The rest of the evening went fast, my son got up we had some tea and started cooking a chicken soup. My son was sitting on the counter top trying to help me with the vegetables, than he went to help my husband put some furniture together. :) After we had dinner, as I was cleaning up my hubby gave our sweet pea a bath and they went to bed, and I had a few minutes to write this long post.

What now? Unpacking some more boxes yey!!! :) (I wish I actually felt like that)

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