March 26, 2010

This morning I woke up to a very gray morning. The snow was falling behind a window. The drastic changes in the local weather never fail to amaze me. Yesterday was a beautiful warm and sunny spring day, and now disgusting wet snow is on everything.

My scales brought me some good news. It showed a number that I don't see much those days. Last time I saw it I was exercising three times a week, now if I make it to the gym once I am lucky. I am contributing it to the move. There is not too much time for cooking and eating, but a lot of going up and down the stairs and kitchen is on the different floor from my computer so I don't eat in front of it anymore.

Going outside I've decided to dig up my pregnancy jacket since it's the only one that has a hood and I didn't want to deal with the wet umbrella on the bus and subway. Which was a wise choice it kept me warm and dry. For some reason weather reminded me of Moscow. The grayness of everything is very common there this time of the year.

The subway train popped up from the underground for a short time. We stopped on the bridge over the river. The usually great view of river and downtown buildings was bleak, painted into all sorts of grey. In front of the window across me was sitting a girl with the bright yellow tan. Visually it created an interesting contrast and brought my attention to her. She was cute but her blonde hair was tucked under the black baseball cap and she was wearing a black warm sweatshirt. I thought how she would have looked if she put a bit more thought into what she was wearing and than remembered what I was wearing myself so I stopped myself immediately.

Ok back to work....

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