April 25, 2010

So today is the month since I started this blog and the goal date is reached. Yey to me!

Did I gain anything from this experience? Sure, it is a really great way to organize thoughts. Also it helps me to express myself in English a little bit better. I am going to continue writing at least once a week, and I think it will be on Mondays. Of course if something interesting happens I will write more often.

I still haven't figured out what I should do next. I would like to draw more, but it takes more time, so I need to figure out how to fit it into my schedule. And more importantly, what I want to draw and in what medium. I am going take a week to think it over and I still need to unpack the rest of the boxes.

This is it for today, time to take a bath, go to bed, and start a new week.

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