April 3, 2010

Today is one of the days when I am very very sorry that the day has only 24 hours. So much I did today and want to do more. But I need to blog, order some summer cloths for my son and go to sleep.

The best thing is I had energy today, that is a rare guest in my body. Probably it is because my son woke up at 10 am today and that never happened ever, he always was an early bird. I think we took a little bit too much freedom with his schedule but so far I think it is fixable. And for me, it would be so great to sleep more, but so far I can't find the right motivation for it yet. Maybe one day I will figure out how people go to bed by 11.00 p.m.
The accomplishment that I am enjoying the most is that our living room is now clean. No boxes or any kind of litter, looks very lonely, but for now it should suffice. It feels so good to go there. I've read somewhere that children need a neat and orderly environment because it gives them confidence and they think better. When living in a messy room their thoughts become scattered too. It might be true for adults too. Looking at the boxes and other stuff day after day was becoming depressing.

Also three of us had a lunch at Minado (www.minado.com) We really like that place and always enjoy but haven't being there since I was pregnant. Tried to convince our son to eat something except edammame (soybeans) and melon, but he definitely didn't feel adventures with food today. It always amuses me that he can try and eat a little bit of lemon, onion or garlic, but crab-cakes are a no, no. I wish I could understand why he picks one food and not the other.

Afterward while our tot was taking a nap my hubby and me cleared the lawn. As I was picking up some leaves and garbage, I thought that it was perfect scene for the tv crime series as this is the way how most of the body parts are found according them. But good for me I didn't find anything except couple of screws and pieces of packing foam. We even had time to enjoy a cup of tea outside after all work was done.

Other good news, is that pansies started showing up. I actually didn't know that it is going to bring me so much joy looking how those little plants are popping out. But it is very exciting. And my son surprised me when he remembered about yesterday and wanted to go and check on the "former seeds". This is how it is always with children you never know when they are actually paying attention.

Ok enough for today, amazon awaits.

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