March 31, 2010

Don't know what to write about today. I had some thoughts but nothing that I would want to record. Maybe finally I should write down my list of things that I want to do and learn in a next few years or so.

The number one on my list is to start driving again, the buses suck and I would rather spend more time with my son than on the bus stop. Not driving is not an option anymore.

Others are more like wishes:
Take a class, drawing, photography, or maybe music or creative writing.
Learn how to play a guitar.
Learn to dance tango and just dance more.
Visit Italy, Spain, France, Greece, Japan, Amsterdam, Ireland.
Take a cruise to Alaska.
Visit Omsk, it is a city where my grandmother lived, I am really curious how it looks now.
Learn another language French or Spanish can't decide yet.
Start riding bicycle again.
Learn scuba diving.
Take a scuba diving trip to Hawaii or Red Sea.
Go to a big music festival something like SXSW.

The one thing that hasn't shaped up yet: I would like to do something good helping somebody. Right now I feel so removed from all problems and too wrapped up into my own life, and it doesn't feel good. Maybe I should look for a job in a non-profit organization working with children. Do they need any designers?

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