April 1, 2010

Sometimes it sucks to be a parent. After my own performance today I understand my parents and many other parents so much better. The power of wanting to make children do something because it is good for them, is great. I am sure every parent think pretty often: "Why can't he/she just shut up and do what I tell him/her to?" There is a line that you shouldn't cross, because ugly comes out, but sometimes in the middle of the power struggle it is easy to step through. Like in any fight emotional charge is like a steamroller that is starting slowly and calmly and reaching full speed it looses control and rolls over everything on its path and nothing can stop it.

I am usually very good at being calm and have a lot of self control so when I lose it is always a surprise. Why today had to be different I will never know. But I feel really bad right now. Like an alcoholic that fell of the wagon after being sober for a long time. Of course maybe I don't know how alcoholic feel but my guess something similar.

Everybody has expectations for the children. Somebody wants their child to be smart, athletic, musical, somebody wants them to be all of those things at once, I guess my thing so far is health. I want my son to be healthy, eat healthy food and be active. This is what irritates me and I have to remind myself that so far he is pretty good at it. My child eats foods that many children don't including vegetables. He is not obsessed with sweets although he tried some so I guess I shouldn't worry when he doesn't drink his milk or doesn't finish his meal but it irritates me a lot. I don't even know why, I am definitely not a health fanatic so why it sets me off?

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