March 29, 2010

Keeping up is becoming tough. This morning I woke up with the stuffed nose. I have being waking every hour all night to clear it up and thankfully went easily back to sleep. It was raining as I waited for a bus and it was raining as I was coming back from work. And it is going to rain tomorrow and possibly Wednesday. What a time to be sick and have to go to work. My son seems to get it too, his little nose was running by the end of the day. Probably this is a result of being on public during the weekend.

Today I was thinking a lot about what I should write here. Should I describe what I felt and did when I heard about Moscow terrorist attacks or not? Should I write about other serious issues I am thinking about or keep those things out of here? Still no decision has being made, so any help will be gladly accepted.

At work I am working on the cover design, it is pretty much at the finishing stage. I sent one of the designs to the office printer and the production person brought it to me who was very much exited about it. She had an interior designs in her hand and showed them to me since the cover design was in her opinion tied with it.

Honestly I don't like seeing interiors for the books I am working on, unless I specifically asked to tie the cover and interior. The interior graphics are often pretty limited and you can do much more for the cover. But once I had seeing the interior it keeps coming up in my mind when I am trying to think up the new ideas so it spoils the whole process. I always do many variations one after another, changing things around and most of the times I come up with something interesting, even if i don't I always have a few good layouts to show.

Corporate policy doesn't agree with me although I think it works for them too since my designs are almost always accepted in a first round, and almost never get rejected so I never have to start over, but O well, being one of the thousands in a company they can't allow to make exceptions. This is one of the reasons I rarely speak at the meetings when people discussing new policies that seem to me just to be another interruption of the creative process, too many procedures kill the inspiration. But I understand that this is what they think they need to run an effective business, and since I still work there I accepted that this is the way it has to work. I always have a choice to find myself another job but for now it works for and I since I got promoted recently for them too.

I hope all of this makes sense since I feel that only half of my brain is working right now. Time to go and check of my meatloaf.

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