April 22, 2010

Reporting back about our adventure today. Everything went very well. Actually we won't know if the problem is fixed or not for another week, but an important thing that everything else is fine.

The first part of the plan, getting our son to the hospital without him seeing any food, was accomplished perfectly. We kept him in his room playing until the very last minute, and than got him into the car very quickly. Surprisingly the child remembered that he didn't eat anything only on a way back home when the thing was over.

When we got to the hospital we had to wait for more than an hour, but the new environment was distracting enough to keep our boy distracted and I brought a lot of toys with us so we went through that period pretty well too.

Than nurse called our names and took us to preparation room. Our son was amazing, of course the medical staff helped a lot by giving us enough time to explain to him what is going on, and by being very friendly, also "Thomas" stickers helped a lot. Our boy took everything very calmly, as the staff took his vitals, I put him in a gown with tigers. The only thing that he didn't like is the bracelet. We asked to take off and they let us. I had to put on gown and a hat on too. He didn't freak out, although a lot of things were happening at the same time and there were four or five people in the room with us.

Than we kissed daddy goodbye and went to the operating room, I carried him there, and he kept repeating that he is going to sleep and than go home, all the way. In the room to my surprise our son didn't fight to breath through the mask, this was the part I was worried about the most. I did tell him about it in advance. To help they added the banana flavor in and apparently it smelled good to him. The weird thing happened for a few seconds before he fell asleep, he started to fight it and than very suddenly he was asleep, as nurses helped me to put him on a table my heart almost stopped, it was very hard to see him like that. But I guess they knew it and pushed me out of the door very fast. The nurse escorted me to the room where my hubby waited. She tried talking to me, and I said that I am a bit in shock, and she told me that she is sees it everyday, but it still is bothering her.

After that everything went fast. The procedure took about 15 minutes, we even didn't have time to finish eating our apples, when doctor came to talk to us about how it went. In another 10 to 15 minutes nurse came to tell us that our son woke up. And I knew he will be crying that when we will get there, and yep, he was. We were preparing so much for the procedure that it totally escaped us that we should've told him that we aren't going to be there when he wakes up but we will come very quickly. All his vitals were great, he didn't have any side affects, just crankiness. He was crying all the way to the car, but as we sat down and started driving he calmed down. We went to the store to buy watermelon as he loves them and drove home. At home we gave him some food, o how much better he instantly became. Men, after eating, are the best. Than I put him for a nap. As he woke up from the nap, he was absolutely normal himself. It is so amazing how fast he bounced back.

Couple last thoughts about the whole experience. It went very well. Our son is a brave little person. All nurses and doctors said that they have never seen a child his age dealing with the situation that well. We behaved pretty good ourselves, no fighting or any other irritating behavior although we both were worried and nervous. Also we masked it well enough not to worry our boy. I really liked all medical staff in the children hospital we were in, they were so good and helpful its amazing. If I was a person who does this kind of thing, I would write them a thank you card. This whole experience has one additional bonus, it gave us more knowledge about how hospitals work, and in the case if something happens we will be better prepared. I probably need to work on my upper body more, because I was carrying my boy a lot today, and I think I will have some sore muscles tomorrow. He is getting heavier and heavier but I will need to carry him in some situations at least for five more years. I hope the procedure worked because we probably won't be doing any further steps to fix this, since the problem is not serious enough

I apologize in advance, if this post has mistakes. It was a long day, and it is a long post.

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