April 8, 2010

Tomorrow is a big day for my son. He is starting a new class which is probably going to be a big deal for him. He said that he is going to speak English I doubt that but it would be good if he at least tried, because I do want him to be comfortable with people. He is a friendly boy, he always says hi and buy and smiles but as soon as people start to talk he becomes shy. It is a Waldorf school class where the teachers pay a bit more attention to the individual children or so they say. I am very interested to see how it is going to work in real life.

It is really hard to predict with our son how he is going to react. It is not a totally new experience for him. We were going to Gymoree classes since he was 9 months old. But we stopped almost three months ago and so much has changed recently. He mostly likes new experiences but sometimes he needs quite a bit of time to adjust, I just hope that he is not going to sit and observe everybody for two hours like he sometimes does on the playground or at least not for the whole two hours :) I guess I am really looking forward to tomorrow since it will give me an opportunity to learn about my son something new.

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